Saturday, October 26, 2013, 4:09 PM

I have a new way of composing music.
Umm not really a way but a little tip.

Make yourself really cosy and unglam, sit in the living room or bedroom, best is if it's raining.
The sound of the raindrops help to soothe the whole composing process.

I still hum the song that my sister composed years back, the only thing I need is her support in getting back the song on her own and play it again.

I'm heading out soon but before I do I sat down and composed some music along with the guitar.
I'm just left with lyrics.
All about love.
I mean, besides love what should I think of.

Love is noble.
Can be different kinds of love.

Love for food and cats.

Thanks to this local band and singer for being an inspiration., one of the member gave us tips on composing music.

And while browsing youtube I came upon their newly composed music for the local television opening theme song. 

Okay very good.
Glad to know people who inspire so much.

Saturday, October 12, 2013, 10:36 PM


This day, Friday (11/10/13) marks the day of me getting my confidence back in studies.
For my past 3 years of ITE after my N levels, I haven't felt so happy and satisfied with myself.
To be honest, I just want to end my school journey even till now but one thing is I have really awesome classmates around me.
In this year of 2013,
I met alot of good classmates.
Instead of just cliques, they are just like one.
I guess influence plays a big part in me, it's not competitive but it's just transparently competitive. We all know we need to work hard and study hard so we just push ourselves to study to the best limits.
In fact, everyone plays a big part, anyone in my class are just as hardworking and down to earth.

For me, I still don't like IT, but I just have to study to get into college and university.
It's my first time getting full marks for my PA in advanced networking and I was the first to finish and I got full marks.
I feel like I'm showing off but I just want to share.

I can't promise that I will be at my best but I will just stay happy for my latest achievement.

In the meantime, I have been saving alot of money.
I have been working alot too.

I can just sleep easily at night in less than a minute.

I want to faster end this school and start to work and age quickly and die quickly.
