Wednesday, February 6, 2013, 2:37 PM
Hello Feb!

Lots of things coming up!
It's tedious through the process. 
Last week and this week are the killers because I am so tired and drained, I feel like sleeping wherever I go. I miss my bed and stuffs.

Actually nothing exciting BUT.

Cca fair is just over!

Coming up today.
- CNY Celebration with KDW!
- Errands
- Dance Practice

- Work
- Errands

- Performance and visitation to Sarah Elderly.
- Errands

- Eve

- Day 1...torture

- Day 2 :DDDD

Thats all.

Monday, February 4, 2013, 12:50 AM

There was once my sister nearly collapsed and she was sent to A&E by the doctor.
She was in pain at my grandmother's house. The whole relatives were there. Nobody offered to drive her to the doctor.

Blood related relatives? Rubbish.

I know who cares.
My grandma and my aunts.

That's all

yeah my dance is nothing compared to him, one of his video on youtube got 70,000 views and he's on newspaper, he's from a rich family. everyone suck up to him and you said my dance is nothing.

OK fine.